Who is Emerson?

Emerson McManus, based in Boston, MA, is a versatile professional specializing in website building, social media strategy, and branding consultancy. Offering a comprehensive range of marketing services, Emerson excels in business branding, graphic design, social media management, consulting, website design/building, and SEO management/optimization.

My creative mindset stems from the moment I started picking things up with my left hand.

After-all, lefties are more creative. Right?

My creative timeline:

4-8 y/o: drew on walls (sorry mom), cut out snowflake shapes, made stencils with my dad, directed skits with my cousins, built a flying machine (fist entrepreneurial moment), learned what photo booth was

9-13 y/o: entered pumpkin coloring contests, designed clothes from a sheet of fabric, produced video stars with friends, doodled during classes, found a love for creative makeup, made nail art videos

14-17 y/o: edited a movie for my competitive dance team, created trailers of summer days, filmed a family Europe trip, made makeup videos, created a food blog + instagram

18-23 y/o: learned adobe creative cloud, sold designs on red-bubble, led recruitment designs for business fraternity, got first internship @EmbodyMeLive, created a personal portfolio, @NoliaRoots internship, led a interview workshop for a friend, built a resume based on Spotify for a classmate, built websites for @InstantTechnolgies, @FiberglassConsulants, @RadiantSkincare, @Peyton4NH. Supported the launch and development of @kozekozemama.

Interested in learning more about me?